January 15, 2014 January 31, 2014 : Deadline for obtaining Abstract ID Number
January 15, 2014 January 31, 2014 : Deadline for uploading Abstract
March 15, 2014 : Notification of abstract acceptance
June 1, 2014 : Deadline for paper submission
August 31, 2014 : Notification of final paper acceptance
Prospective authors for technical sessions should first submit an abstract for consideration. All abstracts must be submitted by January 15, 2014 January 31, 2014. Initial screening of papers will be done on the content and merit of abstracts.
The abstract should be in one page in length and must not exceed 1MB in total file size.
Once the abstract is prepared, please follow the steps below to upload the paper on-line.
Authors are required to prepare and upload the three files from the on-line upload page:
1) Full paper
2) One page abstract
3) Copyright transfer form
Full paper will be included in the conference proceedings and the abstract will be included in the book of abstracts, both to be distributed to the participants on-site.
Full Paper
The accepted format is Portable Document Format (.pdf) for full papers. Recommended paper length is 3-8 pages. Color images can be included in the full paper. Please check the sample page for detailed formatting instructions.
High quality papers will be selected for publications in the JFPS International Journal of Fluid Power System. If you wish to have your paper recommended for publication, your Final Paper must be 6 pages or more.
Manuscript Sample (doc)
Manuscript Sample (pdf)
When submitting the full paper, please name the file of your paper as “FPXXXX.pdf”, where XXXX is the four-digit number assigned to your paper in the abstract submission procedure.
The accepted format is Portable Document Format (.pdf) for abstract. Please prepare one-page abstract of your paper for inclusion in the program book. Color images should not be included in the abstract as the book will be printed in black and white. Please check the sample page for detailed formatting instructions.
Abstract Sample (pdf)
Please name the abstract file “ABXXXX.pdf” where XXXX is the four-digit number assigned to your paper in the abstract submission procedure.
Copyright Transfer Form
Please fill out copyright transfer form and upload with the other files.
Copyright Form (doc)
Convert the form into a PDF file and rename file “CPXXXX.pdf” where XXXX is the four-digit number assigned to your paper in the abstract submission procedure.
Submission Deadline
The deadline for submitting both full papers and proceedings abstracts is June 1, 2014.
When you have prepared the three files please access the paper submission page by clicking on the button below. Upon entering the submission site, you will be asked to enter your paper id# and password. If you have forgotten the id# or password, please ask the secretariat.
When you enter the submission page, if necessary, you may revise the information you have provided at the time of submission.
Only PDF files are accepted at the site. Also you must submit all three files together. If you need to resubmit one of the files, (for example, in order to correct errors you have found after submitting the full paper) you must resubmit all three files again.
Manuscript will not be accepted by e-mail, fax or post. Once all three files are successfully uploaded, you will be sent a confirmation email.
If you have any questions or problems regarding this process, please do not hesitate to contact:
JFPS2014 Secretariat
c/o Echizen & Associates
phone: 81-3-3346-8007
fax: 81-3-3346-8002
email: jfps2014@conferences.jp |