Saturday, November 1, 2014
JPY3,000 per person
Course A
Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine
From 8 AM - 4 PM
Leaves Matsue in the morning to visit Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine Stop by Izumo Airport , Matsue Station, and Yonago Airport on the way back.
This viisit will take you to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine and the surrounding districts. There will be a light hike to the mine and the walk inside the mine. Be sure to bring your walking shoes.
Course B
Adachi Museum of Art
From 9 AM to 2 PM
Leaves Matsue in the morning to visit Adachi Museum of Art Stop by Izumo Airport , Matsue Station, and Yonago Airport on the way back.
This visit will take you to the Adachi Museum of Art, famous for its beautiful Japanese garden, designated as Japan's finest garden by the Journal of Japanese Gardening for eleven years running.