Paper submission

The authors who plan to present their contributions at the 11th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power should submit their paper (template file available below) in Portable Document Format (.pdf) by June 1, 2021 extended to June 15, 2021 through the paper submission system. Acceptance of the paper will be notified by July 31, 2021.

NOTE: Acceptance of your presentation at the symposium will be concluded after the review process based on the PAPER submitted through the paper submission system.

NOTE: One paper may be presented at the symposium with a single registration. Additional registration fee(s) will be charged for multiple presentations.

Had you any inquiry about paper submission, please feel free to contact at

Instruction for Authors to Prepare & Upload your Prerecorded Video Presentation

HAKODATE 2020 provides a virtual venue for presentations with Confit Conference system. Please carefully follow the instruction below to get ready for sharing your valuable contributions!


- Presentation time: up to 15 min (presentation should be longer than 10 min)

- File format & size: .mp4 / .wmv / .mov / .avi with the file size of 1 GB or less

- Recommended aspect ratio: 16:9

- Upload due: September 30, 2021


We do not accept multiple videos per presentation. Be sure to prepare one single video file for each presentation.
We recommend that the presenter should be visible, within the video frame.
Copyright for each video belongs to the presenter. However, please give your permission to the HAKODATE 2020 organizing committee to post your video on the symposium program webpage.
The presenter should be responsible for copyright and trademark issues. The HAKODATE 2020 organizing committee does not take any responsibility for the content of your presentation video.
Unauthorized reproduction of images, videos, etc. that may arise the conflict-of-interest issues in the presentation video is strictly prohibited to be included. Regarding this, the HAKODATE 2020 organizing committee will not take any responsibility.

UPLOAD (The images shown below are the estimated appearance of the system)

1. Please upload your presentation video through Confit Video Registration system. When uploading the file, you should login to the system with your presentation No. and your e-mail address, which you have registered to the paper submission system.
NOTE: Presentation No. will be able to be found in the Program page after September 6, 2021. Your presentation No. is different from your submission No.
System required: Current versions of Google Chrome / Mozilla Firefox / Microsoft Edge / Safari

2. After logging in to the system, please confirm the details of your contribution displayed on the screen.

3. Choose your presentation video file and click [Upload]. Two check boxes are required to be marked before the uploading proceeds.

4. Three progress bars will appear on the screen. Do not close your browser until all the process be completed.

5. When completed, you may check the video which is uploaded to the system. You can replace the file just by uploading another file through the system, if necessary.

6. You will receive an e-mail confirming the success of your video upload.